Growing in
Grit and Grace

The membership that Helps Women over 40 Create a Body and a Life they Love!


Ok Babes!!! Get ready to get your best body !


Hello Beautiful! 👋🏻👋🏻


I’m Ruth, a personal trainer, health and lifestyle Coach, transformation specialist, and personal development junkie!


Over the past 20 years, I’ve been helping women ditch the excuses, take imperfect action and create a life they love. 💗

My passion is giving women over 40 the tools they need to live an extraordinary life.


💪🏻I show them how to go from overweight to fit,

From tired to energetic

From sickly to healthy


🥑I help them ditch the diet mindset and instead, teach them how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable.


👙I show them how to improve their confidence so they can rock their skinny jeans, their bikini or their favorite leggings.


👠I teach them how to raise their standards, so they can reach their goals and make themselves proud.


🧠 And, because Mindset is a Huge part of one’s success path, I teach them how to strengthen their mind, so they can overcome obstacles, ditch the excuses, increase their self belief, & pick themselves back up when they experience a setback.


🧘‍♀️ I show them how to start their day with intention, so they focus on gratitude, and improve their productivity.  


👯‍♂️And, I teach them how to fail forward and strive for progress and not perfection.  



And now, I want to help you! 😃

I am so excited to share the two year anniversary oof my membership:


Growing in Grit and Grace” 💪🏻💋, the place where you will improve your mental and physical muscle, learn to love yourself and age gracefully.


It’s my goal to help you eliminate the overwhelm and simplify the process of getting healthy and fit!  


As a founding member, you will get to be part of my Tribe at the founding member price! (Just $37 a month)


What’s included?


✅ 5-6 fun effective workouts a month. You’ll do the same 5-6 workouts each week, so you can track your progress.

✅ An easy to follow fat burning meal plan

✅ Weekly live Coaching in our private Facebook Group with me and other experts in their field.

✅ Monthly thematic content that will either:


  1. Improve your fitness (various challenges: think couch to 5k,strength challenges, plank challenges etc. )
  2. Improve nutrition (think challenges that will help you quit sugar, eat more veggies, metaled challenges, detox challenges, how to improve your relationship with food etc
  3. Help us age gracefully (think dressing for our body type, how to grow in confidence, how to dress for success, makeup and skin care for mature skin…..basically anything that makes us look and feel fabulous)
  4. Educate and Empower. We are kicking off the membership by learning all about our hormones. We’ll look at how they affect women over 40 when it comes to weight loss, mood, libido etc, how to recognize if you have a hormonal imbalance,, and how to balance them naturally)


Sounds Amazing, Right? So, what’s next??

👉🏻Go Register, so you can take advantage of this price and get started on the Core content. Once the doors close on June 7th, you won’t be able to join until October and the price will be going up. The membership officially launches on June 8th!

I can’t wait to see you on the inside!



Ruth 💗

What's Included in the Membership?

Core Content

Monthly Thematic Content


This Membership is for you if:


  • ✅ You want to change your focus
  • ✅ You want to know the best tools to help you lose weight and get in incredible shape
  • ✅ You want to know the best foods to eat to help you balance your hormones , boost your immune system, your metabolism and give you a healthy gut (weekly meal plan included)
  • ✅ You want to change who and what you see when you look in the mirror

✅ You want strategies that will help you stay motivated

  • ✅ You need help overcoming obstacles
  • ✅ You want to experience Less Stress and More Vitality
  • ✅ You want to overcome your limiting beliefs
  • ✅ You want more meaningful relationships
  • ✅ You want to start believing in Yourself


Here's what women are saying about Ruth's Program


Ruth is an excellent personal trainer and wellness coach. Her program isn't just about losing weight. It's about getting your body & mind fit together. Ruth teaches you about having a healthy relationship with food, how to have positive self talk, and how to have fun when you exercise! Her program can be done in person as well as online, so there are no excuses!!

Tracy Cooney


Ruth is an exceptional fitness coach and wellness trainer. She incorporates physical fitness with mind, body & spiritual fitness for a well rounded experience. She also provides several options for physical training on-line, in person 1 on 1, or in group setting, along with weekly menu plans (which are delicious) & motivational challenges to make it even more fun. Being a member of this “Tribe” is a blessing.

Deb Louchart


Body by Ruth is a great total fitness program! The plan includes daily exercise classes, both online and in person, weekly healthy meal plans, and daily encouragement and accountability. Ruth encourages you to positively focus on your complete self, so her routine helps you to not only lose pounds and inches, but rethink your mindset to become the best version of yourself. If you want to look and feel better, Body by Ruth May be just the plan you are looking for.

Karen Lee


Body by Ruth is an amazing Bootcamp/ Meal Plan backed by awesome Support! I have been with Ruth since October of 2016 and have seen tremendous changes in my body; my muscle tone and shape is something you can see in my everyday activities.  The recipes included in the meal plan are quick and easy to follow. Ruth has taught me how to carb-cycle and I have incorporated this eating style in my family meal planning. The support you get from Ruth is outstanding, from encouragement during workouts to a txt or phone call checking in on you not to mention her everyday positive attitude that seems to flow into all of her clients. 

If you have been looking for a program to help you with your healthy life style  - look no more – Body by Ruth gets 5 stars for sure.

                                       Missy Magee

I've been training online with Ruth for 3 1/2 years. She is truly passionate about teaching women how to be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. She helps you reach your goals by offering daily exercise videos, fun weekly challenges, and an amazing support group.


Beth Puls


Meet The Trainer



Ruth has been married to her husband Walt for 26 years, Together, they have 3 grown sons. A former college athlete and teacher, she has always been passionate about fitness and decided to further her education so she could start her own personal training business. As a result, She started training women 18 years ago, so she could have the flexibility to stay home and raise her 3 sons.


Her passion of fitness, nutrition and education married beautifully as she now fulfills her purpose to help women transform their lives both mentally and physically.

Her ability to get women to take action and overcome their fears has helped thousands of women in their transformational journey.


Favorite Things

Some of her favorite things are sipping superfood coffee, kale, Jesus, concocting healthy recipes, date nights with her hubby, acroyoga, lake days, walks on the beach and adventuring with her family and clients.

I'm ready to rock my 40s 50s and 60s!!

Give me the tools to simplify being healthy and live a life I love!

I'm ready for my transformation

Join the Membership!