5 Tips to help you survive the Thanksgiving Feast

Well hey there!

Most people consume a ridiculous amount of calories then feel pretty crappy afterward on this really special holiday.


These Thanksgiving Day Damage Control Tips will give you an easy to follow "Plan of Action" to navigate this wonderful holiday and feel good about your choices.


Thanksgiving Day would be so sad if we couldn't enjoy our favorite foods, right? These Thanksgiving Day Damage Control Tips will give you a plan with freedom!


 Tip 1. No sugar for breakfast. Prioritize protein, fiber and healthy fat.A couple of eggs, some sautéed veggies and 1/2 an avocado will fill me up until my big meal around 2:00. Avoiding sugar will help you stabilize your blood sugar and help you be in better control of your cravings and appetite. 


Tip 2. Prioritize and plan for some movement. It would be ideal if you can you can grab a quick workout first thing in the morning. Here is a fun Full Body Tabata Workout that I did with my son Pete. it's 20 minutes of awesome which  includes cardio, resistance and abs.  https://youtu.be/O44hbXlUg2Q

Or go on a hike, play some touch football or ultimate frisbee in the yard. Getting some fresh air will help your body stay energized and will counteract the afternoon snooze from the triptofan in the turkey. 

Another fun idea is to start a new family tradition, walk or run a local “Turkey Day Trot”. Most cities have some sort of race offerings or do an unofficial walk/jog. It makes for a good time and cute social media pictures.


Tip 3. Strategic Splurges. You get 3 “wildcards” for the day. Think of this wildcard splurge as a cheat that gives you permission to enjoy those special offerings. Choose wisely, but you get THREE!!  As you are enjoying your splurge, chew or sip slowly, savoring each decadent bite. After you have reached your limit, then it is time to stop. I give you several more tips in my Holiday Survival Guide on how to manage holiday parties as well.



Tip 4. Create margin for self-care. Allow a minimum of 10 minutes in your day to be still, give thanks, pray, and reflect.  Any holiday can be stressful, and carving out some self-care will help you be at your best.


Tip 5. Jump back on board ASAP. Allowing for a day of splurging is much more manageable than 4 or 5 days. Not only will this cause your pants to “shrink”, but it also makes you feel lethargic, yucky and achy!  I have to throw away the unhealthy left-overs the next day, or I will make unhealthy eating choices. Getting back to clean eating ASAP is key here. If you want a reset, be sure to grab my  3 day detox if you want to de-bloat, and detoxify your body. 



Here's to Helping you Love the Body you live in!





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