3 Things you didn't know about Eggplant and My Tasty tomato Eggplant Pie
Any egg plant fans out there?? If I'm being honest, I grew up disliking it. Maybe because when my mom cooked it, it was always slimy. Or, possibl...
Get your Dream Body with Carb Cycling
When it comes to looking and feeling great, one’s diet accounts for about 80% of the body you desire. As a fitness professional for the past 18...
Kale Caesar with Blackened Salmon
I love a Big Salad in the summer. I also love salmon, kale, and lemon, so when I crave something savory, this salad is my go-to. Not only is...
5 Reasons You May Not Be Getting Results (Part 2)
Last week I did a blog on mistakes people make that might hinder their weight loss. I touched on the concept of dieting, eating the wrong kinds of salad, eating too much of a good thing and depriving yourself of special treats. Today, I want to continue with that theme and share 5 more things that could be preventing you from getting results. If any of these pertain to you, just work on improving. You should be striving for progress, not perfection. Here's to loving the incredible body of yours!